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Does your dog pull on the leash during walks? We have a solution – the SideWalker® Leash Trainer! The SideWalker is a unique dog training collar with a “self-teaching” design that trains your dog to walk side-by-side with you without pulling on the leash.

Are you considering trying our SideWalker Leash Trainer but wondering how exactly it works? Check out these answers to some of our Frequently Asked Questions about the SideWalker.  Read post >

You love your dog. You love your garden. But dogs and gardens can be a difficult combination. Are you looking for a way to protect your carefully cultivated flowers, trees, bushes and veggies from your dog’s rowdy ways? Consider one of these products from DogWatch!  Read post >

Did you know that DogWatch works for cats, too! Check out this great video from a very happy DogWatch cat customer!

Boo is a 1 year-old deaf male cat from Dallas, TX who loves to play in his backyard. Keeping him in the backyard, however, was a problem. Despite his family’s best efforts to keep him contained, Boo frequently climbed over fences and in trees to explore his neighborhood. This behavior is especially risky for Boo, as he is unable to hear the sounds of cars, wildlife or other potential dangers.

Boo’s family was in need a solution to keep him safe while still giving him the outside access he craved. So they called their local DogWatch Dealer, DFW DogWatch, to learn more about hidden fences for cats. “After long hard deliberation,” Boo’s mom wrote on YouTube, “we decided to install a hidden/radio fence with a correction collar to keep our cat Boo in the yard.” Read post >

Hidden fencing (a.k.a. electric dog fencing, invisible fencing, or underground fencing) has been in existence for a long time but has recently become more popular due to the ever increasing fence restrictions and our ability to trust more in technological advancements. There are some people, however, that are still leery due mostly to myths associated with this type of pet containment. We would like to address these myths and help educate the general public about the safety, humanity and convenience of hidden fences.

The six most popular myths associated with hidden fences are 1) the shock is dangerous and inhumane; 2) it doesn’t work on my breed; 3) my dog will never want to come outside again; 4) it will make my dog become aggressive; 5) it is too expensive and 6) store-bought systems work just as well as professionally-installed hidden fences. Read post >

Announcing the newest feature of our exclusive SmartFence™ – the TattleTale™ Graph!

The TattleTale lets users know when and how many times their pet has entered the Avoidance Zone. By tracking the frequency and timing of these ‘boundary challenges,’ pet parents can spot potential distractions – like a neighbor’s dog or a school bus – and address them right away. Read post >

Walking German Shepherds (and many other dogs) on leash can be a challenge for the average dog owner. That’s why DogWatch created the SideWalker® Leash Trainer, a training collar that gently corrects overly enthusiastic leash pulling and helps dogs (of all shapes and sizes) learn appropriate on-leash behavior.

To see how the SideWalker helped one German Shepherd pet parent gain control of walks with her dogs, we reached out to Lorna, a DogWatch customer from Van Hornesville, New York. Lorna is pet parent to two beautiful German Shepherds, a four year-old female named Bella (left) and a two year-old male named Solo (right). Both dogs were avid leash pullers, especially Solo. Read post >

DogWatch Hidden Fences aren’t just for dogs! Over the past three decades, DogWatch Dealers have installed Outdoor Hidden Fences and Indoor Boundaries for thousands of cats across the country and around the world. But how do you train a cat to use an electronic pet fence system (including a DogWatch® Hidden Fence, Invisible Fence® and other brands)? Read post >

DogWatch Inc. is proud to announce the addition of an exciting new product to our line of hidden underground pet fence options. The SmartFence™ provides all the same benefits of our award-winning DogWatch® Hidden Fences plus the addition of mobile connectivity.

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DogWatch® Hidden Fences give pets the freedom to run and play leash free at home, but what about when the dog tags along for summer vacation? Why not bring DogWatch with you? Here are three ways you can enjoy the freedom of our hidden fences all summer long!

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At DogWatch, it’s our mission to keep dogs safe at home in their yards. So we were definitely intrigued to see Business Insider‘s recent list of the dog breeds most likely to run away from home. The list featured a few usual suspects (hello, hounds!) and some surprises, too. Check out the top 15 below, complete with photos of actual DogWatch customers who overcame their wandering ways and are now safe at home thanks to their DogWatch Hidden Fences!

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