By Jaclyn Mosher, July 1, 2020

DogWatch Dealer Donates Hidden Fence to Help Keep Firehouse Dog Safe
On the morning of May 23, Ash, a one year-old gray and white Pit Bull, went missing from his home at Hanahan Fire Station #1 in Hanahan, South Carolina. The Hanahan firefighters quickly shared Ash’s photo on social media, and the news spread fast. Soon local animal shelters, businesses, news reporters and dog lovers in the community were searching for the beloved fire dog.
One local business owner who heard Ash’s story was Matthew Cormack, owner-operator of DogWatch of Greater Charleston. Matt shared Ash’s photo on his Facebook page, and called the fire station to let them know he would be happy to donate a hidden fence for Ash upon his return.
10 days later came good news. Three good Samaritans found Ash on the side of the road in Hanahan, and recognizing the dog from his missing posters around town, brought him back to the station. Ash had some minor injuries, and was treated by Pet Helpers, an pet adoption center and clinic in nearby Charleston, SC. Pet Helpers also neutered Ash, and gave him a microchip.
Remembering his offer, the firefighters called Matt at DogWatch, who came out to the fire station a week later to install a hidden fence for Ash. Matt also walked Ash and the firefighters through the hidden fence training. For the next few days, a firefighter from each shift worked with Ash on his boundaries, and the smart pup learned how to use the fence quickly and effectively.
“Ash is a smart dog,” says Matt. “He’s super friendly and quite mellow for a young dog. He fits right in at the station with the guys.”
Great work, Matt, and all the best to Ash and his hard-working buddies at Hanahan Fire Station #1!
And a big thanks to Pet Helpers, who took wonderful care of Ash and made this video about his eventful journey! To learn more about them, visit
Featured Photo and Video Courtesy of Pet Helpers