By Jaclyn Mosher, May 2, 2018

Keep Your Dog Out of Your Garden with DogWatch
You love your dog. You love your garden. But dogs and gardens can be a difficult combination. Are you looking for a way to protect your carefully cultivated flowers, trees, bushes and veggies from your dog’s rowdy ways? Consider one of these products from DogWatch!
DogWatch® Hidden Fences
Does your dog like to trample your flowers or dig in your vegetable garden? A hidden underground pet fence (often mistakenly referred to generically as an “invisible fence” or “invisible dog fence”*) is a safe and effective way to designate your garden a “no dog” zone, while also keeping your dog safely contained in your yard.
DogWatch Hidden Fences are customized to fit your property. And because proper installation and good training are critical to successful containment, our DogWatch Dealers provide their hidden fence customers with Pet-Friendly™ training tailored to your pet’s size, age and personality.
If you already have a DogWatch Hidden Fence and want to block off an area of your yard for a new garden, give your local DogWatch Dealer a call. He or she will go through the best solution for your yard and your dog.
One option would be to adjust your existing wire to add a “garden loop” (see illustration below). For example, if you have a vegetable garden in the middle of your yard, your DogWatch Dealer can add wire around the garden bed and connect it to the already installed hidden fence wire by adding a twisted wire between the two. The twisted wire does not carry a signal. Thus, the garden will be off-limits, and your dog will still have the rest of the yard to roam and play. (Wondering about using a lawn mower with your hidden fence? Check out our advice here.)
The GroundsKeeper®
Alternatively, your Dealer may recommend installing a smaller, more flexible Groundskeeper®, a limited feature transmitter that can work in conjunction with a larger Hidden Fence system or on its own. The GroundsKeeper is a versatile solution for creating a small containment area to keep your pet in or for creating inner loops within a containment area to keep your pet out of specific areas.
The BigLeash® Remote Trainer
If your dog is determined to dig up your garden, a Remote Trainer (or e-collar) may be a helpful training tool. A Remote Trainer is a collar for your dog that delivers an audible sound, a vibration, or a static correction which you initiate from a hand-held transmitter (about the size of a small cell phone.) When the dog begins digging, you send a signal to the collar. This distracts the dog from the behavior. Some dogs respond to just a sound or a vibration, other dogs may need the static correction to distract them. If this distracting signal is repeated whenever the dog digs, the dog will learn that digging is an unacceptable behavior.
Remote Trainers like our BigLeash® S-15 Remote Trainer can also be used to help your dog learn basic training commands. You can learn more about all our DogWatch Training Products here.
* Invisible Fence® and Invisible Fencing® are Brand names, products and registered trademarks of Radio Systems, Inc.